Thank you for visiting our donation page! Gifts to our parish not only help parish operations, but they support ministries such as RCIA, men’s & women’s ministries, Gathering at the Grotto, and many more works of evangelization. Your support is vital to parish life and we are so grateful for your generosity!
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.
2 Corinthians 8:9
Donate to the Capital Campaign!
Our parish church has been a wonderful home to our community for the past 70 years, but following the completion of the upper church in 1964, almost nothing has been done to update our most important building. The renovation will provide needed fixes within the church, bring an added layer of beauty, and provide social space for our growing church.
Church Offering
Thank you for visiting our donation page! By making a donation online, you are supporting RCIA, Alpha, & ENDOW studies, our Walking with Purpose ministry, men’s ministry, Candlelight Masses, Gatherings at the Grotto, and many more parish ministries and events. Our parish depends on our parishioners’ support! We are so grateful for your generosity!
Support Lourdes Catholic Classical School
Most Catholic families cannot afford to cover our costs and many cannot afford our tuition. In order to operate Lourdes Catholic Classical, we have two apostolates. The discipleship/academic formation of students is one, and finding help in paying for it is the other. We rely on the generous support of benefactors, large and small, to operate our school. Can you sponsor a teacher’s classroom supplies? Or can you sponsor a student or family?
You can donate directly by clicking the button below, or visit to learn more. Credit card or ACH payments are accepted. Please note: credit card transactions cost us a processing fee, while payments made using a checking or savings account do not. If you donate to the parish & school simultaneously, go to “Church Offering” to manage your donation. Thank you for your generosity!
Do I need two separate accounts to give to the Capital Campaign and the Church Offering?
Yes. You can use the same email, but the logins are separate. If you have trouble logging in try resetting your password. If that does not work, please call the parish office (303)722-6861.
Can I manage my donation to the school under the Church Offering Section?
Yes, however school donations can also be made directly here,
How can I receive envelopes, update my address, or be removed from your mailing list?
Please contact the parish office 303.722.6861 x238 or email
When will I receive a year-end tax statement?
Tax statements are mailed out in January. Anyone who makes a donation over $250 is mailed an acknowledgment upon receipt of the gift.
Are you looking for more information? Please see our Giving Resources Guide, below, or visit our Capital Campaign page.
For more information about making a gift to the Church please contact If you would like more information about the Future Full of Hope Capital Campaign, please contact